Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years!

This is the time of year I normally sit back and reflect over my life for the past year. I was talking to a friend the other day and was asked if I could change one thing this year that happened to me what would it be? AND if I could change something going into the new year what would it be? Ummm.... I started thinking about the series of events that happen to me this year, and I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't change one thing. I had some good and bad times this year....but then I realize it's how you handle these times is what makes you a better person. The one thing I would change this year is the way I handle different trails in my life. This reflection caused me to pull a book of my shelf that was collecting dust called The Secret, and then I had an AHA moment. The law of attraction and the power of gratification. So often we sit back and complain about the series of events that goes wrong in our life the law of attractions brings us more of the same. How many times do we sit back and just be thankful. I started an exercise they suggested in the book which was to write 100 things I was grateful for. JEEZ! One hundred things.....I couldn't even think of 100 things I could be thankful for, BUT then I realized that some of the things I take for granted....I really shouldn't. I started writing those things down. By the time I was finished I had more than 100 things, and it was amazing how I had an inner glow inside me. I was overwhelmed with joy, and I had a new outlook on life. I encourage everyone this year to take some time to do this exercise....I promise will gain a new appreciation on life. I am really looking forward to the New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Must See Chick Flick

OMG! On 1/9/09 ....get the popcorn ready this is going to be a blockbuster movie. I can't wait to see this movie.....hopefully, I can gather up a couple of my planner friends, so that we can see this movie together. This movie is about two brides competing against each other to be the best bride.....hysterical. This is definitely a chick ladies leave the men a home....grab your girlfriends and make it a girls night out!